homelands? me and grandpa and stuey are going down, room in the car for a couple more, anyone playing? bring on the retro tent sez me!!!!!! sunday will be mostly spent at judgement sun, anyone going to that!!! ps no randoms, the random test will be carried out on all who wish to travel...hehehehe
I shall be at JS. Think i'll find a corner full of wrecked peeps and hide from the beer boy's all night.
Is he fook cool. He is the Mess. Actually scrap that i should be nice to him i still owe him £30. Oh shit and another £50 for some cyber gear. Actually he is a twat he threw my dummy out the window. Fuck up you are a twat!
twat i'll be at JS.. can't do homelands goin to see dave clarke @ bugged out on the fri, then onto js.. possibly fit mainframe in on sat.. depending on state
you were blacklisted from the start si..sorry and all that! actually better be nice to you in case you through me to the punks @ the Bad Manners gig...are they aware there is a Punk Princess going to be in attendance? paul - was ringing u to get in touch with Smart-e to tell him about his phone and how I was getting dodgy tetx from whoever robbed it, but its cool now. chris - we meet up at JS? I'm going with my mate and his miserable cow of a girlfriend so could do wit somepals to keep it real! think snarf may be there as well though which is good! phew! so may peeps demanding princess attention, fair worn out me like!
as long as he keeps me sane and away from whingey little mong face 'i'm tierd! my tummy hurts!I don't like this music' gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
she doesn't like it! which is fair, but coz she don't, he ain't allowed?!?!???! am i just a model girlfriend or what coz it bothers me not what the other half does as long as he can keep his woman happy hehehehehe
erm, *looks all shifty* - NO WE COULDNT POSS DO THAT TO ANYONE THAT IS WELL HARSH! *whispers* spot on mate i'm well up for that
p.s. disclaimer from chris. this is katy he is pissed & not responsible for anything tonight, hes already ran into a fence and cut himself open.. but i'm looking after him, have applied sudocream but he keeps screaming like a bitch!!! xxxx