holiday depression Jus got back from my 2 week hol in turkey this morning after about 13hours over all, with coach from hotel 2 airport, 2 waiting around bored in the airport, to a shit flight, then waiting 4 baggage (wot joy :bang: ) then driving up from manc 2 newcastle. Went 2 bed when we got bk, jus got up n im now totally depressed i always get really down after being on hols! I just trudge around the house wishing i was bk where ive jus been on hol. Any one else get like that?
i bet if u stayed ther 4 longer tho, u wud b wishin u wer home. living in a crap country like briton, u can appreciate goin abroad more. which means more excitement n more fun wen ya ther!!!!
Thats the mentality of us Brits. We complain in the Winter being too cold, and then in the Summer it's too hot, We are the coolest people on the planet. ( in coolest i ment best )
i know i'm not going to want to come back to work after 5 weeks off...i've got to drive home the day after i arrive back in th ecountry & go to work the day after that... :evil: i will have to go in training again & i'm hoping my passwords will have to be re-set!