Hola Greetings from the island of sin. Heatwave in ibiza 34 degrees in the west end @ lunch time. Cox rocked space big time lastnight, was his birthday things are great here wish you were here must dash I have an appointment with a cold san miguel and a nose bag. see yer folks :chill:
Alrite mate.... you still working at Kanya? We fly over on the 11th and Geordie Jon was telling us at Global Gathering you were working there... we may pop in and say hi!
Alright mate! Hope yr havin a good time. Check out Kanya tomorrow or Blues in Ibiza Town next Sunday if you have time, Amy's playin
Hiya hunni, pleased your having a good time!!! Have you moved yet??????????? Ow and remember to 'wear sunscreen!'
Ow yea forgot something, if you are staying in San An tehre is a row of like cafe type places opposite the sea front.....................you have to go there and get a pizza, they are the nicest pizza's i have ever tasted in my life!!!!