Hiccups Had hiccups now for 15 minutes Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! How can i get rid of them?? Its driving me mad!!!! :bang:
this works for me:: hold ur breath, hold ur nose so u cant breathe, then let go when ur about to suffocate! Seems a bit extreme, but it works
Its psychological, the more you think about it - the worse it is. THe breath holding thing sounds like a good idea though
or get some water in your mouth, hang your head right upside down and swallow. it allows the trapped air out.
every time a hiccup trys to get out i change it into a burp instead , usually goes away quicker that way !!! , sounds horrid tho !!!
My mate Jodes, when people have got hiccups, she turns them away from them, and stands them there and says, just relax, it wont hurt i promise, for abuot 30 seconds. She never does anything, its just that fear that she is gonna do soemthing and you dont know what always seems to make the hiccups go away. Mind you, cant do it to you now cos you know no1s gonna do anything
It starts hurting after a while They seem to have stopped after a boogey, altho it still feels like Im gonna at any minute
Stick your fingers in your ears (try to get a really good seal) and get someone to hold a glass of water for you while you drink from it. Have a good few swallows. Works every time.