help! I'm busy filling out what should be a really easy form to fill in it's just a profile of myself that will be given to prospective clients that are going to pay ridiculous amounts of money to have me look after them following spinal injury. i have to put down my likes and dislikes and hobbies and interests...meaning that my likes cant really include my hobbies as thats a different question?? i like and dislike alot of things but what the hell kind of things shall i put on this form?? ideas please
i always struggle with them type of questions cos u cant really put down clubbin can u, and i can never think of anything else!!!tis quite sad really...
its not that cus i can think of so many things, its like....where do i start??? and i dont know wether they want to know about my personality or what kind of books i read, and theres not alot of space to write in im having a really thick in the head day....everything i think doesnt come out right lol
you could put down something along the lines of how you enjoy yourself, party a lot and enjoy adventures... that way the people you look after will take interest in your vibrant lifestyle and have something (ie like an exciting story to spice up their dull life) to look forward to. its not exactly telling them you go clubbing but its a start and can lead onto it. i think they would rather like to know your an exciting person rather than a dull one otherwise theyd be bored stiff. literally. *sorry if that sounds offensive - just makin a point.
i know what u mean fizz, im usually ded good at things like this, its just the way its been asked and the fact i only have a very small space to fit in my verybusy lifestyle lol and its also going to be shown to a very varied group of people, i want the best chance of getting placed with someone i will click with anyway its done now...and forgotten about....i think i managed to show the real me
name: helz likes: special brew, taking the piss out of glitter angel dislikes: not drinking brew hobbies: drinking brew, taking the piss out of glitter angel that any good for u missy?
well i could tell them about my amazing cure potion!!! i have special brew cocktails and red wine + brew is called SPINE!!! how peculiar, bit of a coincedence....i could become famoud for this new kind of spinal pain releif
just rephrase your clubbing to socialising with people and having a laugh coz you are such a fun person! you gotta sell yerself....... go girl! Employers like social skills because it means better team cooperation within the workforce etc! ok i will shut up now!
thing is though im already employed by them, this form is just to make sure im put with someone who i can be a companion to aswell as a carer its easy on job applications cus u can lick arse then forget about it but this is a bit different