Help me please!!! i stopped smoking on sunday night, :clap: but i'm starting to find it really hard now, I've never went this long without a tab for eight years! I'm using patches, which i must say have made the cravings easier than i thought, but that nagging urge for a ciggie is still there! Has anyone who has stopped got any helpful tips for me as i think i'm gonna crack up soon!!!!
Have something small you can fiddle with - no smutty comments though please! Just a rolled up bus ticket or something. Keeps your hands busy and really helps.
I did get a cool toy thing they were giving away in ASDA but everytime i pick it up it just makes me think all the more about tabs, cos i know it's there to stop me smoking!
Re: Re: Help me please!!! thats my trick, empty ash into a glass of water and wen u want a cig just have a drink n then u'll never want a cig agen
Re: Help me please!!! Yes next time you buy a box take one and shove it up your mates arse before replacing in the box provided.
Re: Re: Re: Help me please!!! Sweets like cola cubes, sasparella tablets, jellys etc. Yeah i like it too.