Hannah sneak meister Wild hey chic, Hope you had a good time up here!!Cannot believe i didn't see you, probs because i don't have your number and so couldn't find out where you were! we'll hhave a catch up on yey olde msn whenever i see you online next!
erm have no idea, wanted to meet up with her but have been waiting to see if she came on line and no luck.... hope she hasn't fallen down a hole or anything
i tried ringing and texting her while she was up and got no reply so she coudlnt have been too desperate to meet up with people
Yo! Im back home now .... really busy so cant talk atm! Soph - I'll speak to you on MSN a bit later Dan - No Im not in a huff Nat - I didnt see your text/missed call until I er couldnt see if that makes sense and wasnt feeling too chirpy so didnt come out, infact I still feel ill and rubbish Reet gotta dash, inabit! x ps Im glad you've noticed I was gone