Halifax (the place) Is fucking shite!! Went to my office on monday and instead of being sent to surrey like i anticipated i got sent to this backward place , everywhere i went i it was like a scene out of emmerdale!There was no night life, no women (i seen 3 that werent about 50) and about a mile in any direction to the nearest bar from where i was staying :spangled: To make things worse i got fired from site on tuesday for being scared of heights as the job involved being 20ft up a rickety piece of scaffholding 12 hours a day which they forgot to inform me of when i applied for the job :evil: but got told i would get paid for the week.... aslong as i went on site and did what i could, so i ended up standing about like a tit cutting bits of plaster board now and then whenever the other lads needed it my advice: avoid like the plague
i work up heights all the time like! when either we are doing loft conversions extensions or roofs or summit u know! dont often work on big commersial sites but i see it like this im not a big fan of heights but if i stay safe and summit happens im good for a good few grand! take note of this advice my gaffa gave me when i started me apprentaship a few year back, no matter how high up u work YOUR ONLY ONE STEP FROM THE GROUND