Goodbye Dobbs!!!! just thought i'd have u a little farewell thread!!! i will miss the tales of morrisons have an excellent time in america!!!! (send stu home when he gets there )
Haha see ya later fruit boy ¬... remember america is HUGE so ya can get lost really easy (fingers crossed) Nah seriously... take care and have fun, let us know how ya gettin on
U will have a wikid time! America is insane Down as much alcohol as possible...(ur over 21 arent you ) :laugh: Have fun.x
I'm not going until Friday...a whole day left of me being here! Aren't you lucky! Sasha...plenty more opportunities to meet my Spaghetti friend in the future Smog...don't count on me getting lost...I'll be back at your house for another fisting session before you know it ...Yes...wal-mart will love me, I couldn't fit much in my rucksack so I'm planning on going there and buying a load of cheap stuff, which I will leave there, I'm not 21..but as long as this says so, then I am....
You gave me the idea...but there were no 3's on my passport ANYWHERE, or on my families! So just scanned a photocopy, and did a little bit of work on Paint
signature? dobbs what the fuk is up with your signature on the pass port? lol looks like some charvs graffiti attempt
Re: Re: signature? was only having a laugh matey lol mine is shite it changes everytime no wonder the bank wont give me money
Mine is alright. Just loads of peeps is dead swirley and good and mines just like. Katie Scrafton. Taa daaa
mine was awful glue smeared all over... still worked in bars in nyc and bars + clubs in miami.. i also got an ISIC card from STA travel in town and lied about my dob on it.. might be an idea for backup.. always useful to have too.. oh and remeber to take some pictures of the kids for me tom
It's already sorted mate...£10 for a "Proof of Age" card Pictures of kids? I hope you like the "from behind" angle because that's what most of them will be....I'm in a cabin with 6 lads aged 6-13. Heaven least your not as stupid as my mate who didn't know you actually had to sign receipts the same as your card. He put a completely different signature and they were like "'s not the same as your card" and he started questioning them as to why it needed to be the same. I was nearby laughing...and pretending not to know him