I'm fine People like you really cheer me up. Someone who comes on the board in such a good mood at this time of day. Thank you
Re: Good morning Morning Damocles, Im wicked apart from fact I should be helping mates with a project at uni... oh well theres still the afternoon!!
I'm only in such a good mood cause i am now debt free and i finished making my t-shirt and i am going out this weekend after a few quiet weeks.
i think im ok lol bit shaky lol i got the DT's (u get them them morning after u been on the drink withdrawl symtoms) lol
its a bit windy now, so its less of a fine day than before, but yes, i feeel super!!!! tee hee hee, happiness is a privelege not a right.
Re: Good morning nice 1, feeling canny fine*, but your good mood must be infectious cos got a smile on now, cheers * well apart from a dose of wednesday blues, but cant count that really
Feeling very cheerful today as I have actually done some work this morning and not just messed about on the internet! At least my boss can't shout at me now.
Now see isn't it nice to have a polite post with no bitchin'. And i hope everyone is having a good a day as i am. Roll on the weekend.