Girls! I am after a new dress. I have just got one of those shirt sort of dress things but want to chop a bit off the bottom as its a bit long...I wanted something a bit different for this weekend though. Any ideas? Im stuck and cant get to town today! Anyone been shopping recently?xx
just get a nice vest top, and a pritstik, and some sequins or anything small & colourful in the house.......... apply pritstik to desired areas & sprinkle sequins - original & going to be massive this season
Re: Re: Re: Re: Girls! I would absolutely love to rip your hair out but I dont know how to get to the pits of the earth. Actually its probably in dreadlocks anyway. Skank
Well so far Ive been told to wear a tent And/or stick sequins on a vest top....I'll be looking great this weekend
Get one of them dresses that like wrap over and tie in a ribbon at tyhe back...get a plain black one or something and wear it it with like a lovely belt with accessories and your nice boots!
customising is the way forward to be honest. I bought a plain balck top and have done some exciting things to it. So much so that soomeone actually asked me the other day where i got my top from and was it made by Religion! get in! I am the fashion guru! ha ha ha ha (i wish) I've got a long shirt that i've made into a dress just by pinching the sides in a bit with a few stitches and then belting it up with a big chunky belt, its ace!
Sounds mint I love customising things too...I have quite a bit of new stuff at the mo frommy bday but just never know what to wear im terrible! Ive seen a nice dress on miss selfridge website