Gcsss well av just got in the house now, and tbf i had a really good night, despite the line up growing shitter everyday (scot bond cancelled on the day) and the pissing leeds rain i had a decent night out!
I had a class night, didnt think I was going to when I first got there, I didnt really hear any fulls sets except the very dissapointing organ donors as I was to busy making a twat of myself Nice to meet fiddla, soooozzz and kelkay properly for the first time
Sets of the night. De jong, Dogzilla, Hard wick, Dave Pearce , Hardwick Tunes of the night stung on the river, le saux mix of push through, fly away (tyas mix) good for me, mirella, firedevil, Hiroyuki Oda - rise, need to feel, through your eyes, analog feel, torrent, madagasgar (scarbrough mix) etc... Pricks of the night, Adam Sheridan! if any 1 knows this cock plz tell him he is fucking shit! the most pathetic thing i have ever seen im my whole 22 years of living :evil: jules usual, rotten cheese (played ralph fride angel tho) didnt catch marco v so cant comment and picotto whould rather have shaved my legs! damo was giving him the wanker signs and he bolted off the dex and started chasing him class. mint banter tho, 7 / 10 for me.
sheridan was bit boring like... simon patterson was cani good, but fuck knows what kepts happening to the CDJs al giv him the benefit of the doubt and call it a techniical fault. dave pearce was the best av ever seen him, and hardwick was also good, but paul kershaws anthem bashing session in the goodgreef tent at the start of the night was sweet, lol, really got the thing kicked off.
I was talking to you or one of your mates, something about paying 25 quid for a work jumper lol, banter was class like even if there were no stand out sets
Nope, he didn't even turn up. Now he is trying to sue them apparently for bad mouthing him for not turning up, although he claims he was never booked in the first place. They replaced one cunt with another- Preston.
Just read this: "Pete's supposed non-show was reported extensively in the media and, despite an admission from Gatecrasher that Pete was never confirmed to appear, they have so far refused to issue a public apology." (http://uk.news.launch.yahoo.com/dyna/article.html?a=/070601/340/h8y1k.html&e=l_news_dm)
On a side note, I picked up some Tiesto comp album called Revolution when I was at home last wkend. Just been listening to it, and it's just as good as it was years ago