exactly mate think im gonna go to avh, should be good forensic party on the thursday before, some good nights coming up
Is there? Quality. Thats on easter weekend so friday will be a bank holiday - result! I'll hopefully be going to AVH - not sure what to expect which is half the reason I want to go. Wonder whether there's anyone good on at shindig on the saturday. Shindig overload on that weekend!
i did wonder who the sat night will be! probably tom wainwright or someone like that yeah, the forensic party is the night before good friday, only £5 so should be a good few days! im the same with avh, could be class but could be shit, which is why its so appealing, if that makes sense
The thursday night is perfect to ease into bank holiday weekend. Sat will probably be quiet unless they have someone with a different style on Sunday should be rammed - sounds like the sort of DJ who doesn;t give a shit about anything. I reckon like you,it could go either way - worth the risk though