funerals havent been to one of these in about 10 years when my best gran ever died and goin to one 2morro for my one of my best mates mams . am sooo dreading it, mostly cos the thought of my lovely wonderful friend being so so upset and not being able to do a single thing to make her feel any better. one question and i know this is really morbid but really not sure after asking loads of people... do you go to the cemetry or not? cos i thought it was just for family but then a few people have said that after the cermony in church everyone goes to the burial too. me n ma girlies kinda need to know in advance so we can sort a taxi to cemetry if this is the case but hearing so many mixed answers i just dunno whether we're meant to go or not....
rite okies thank you cos knew her mam really well but wasnt exactly one of her best friends so reckon it must be just the family and her close friends going, sorry to be morbid but just wanted to know for def.
but there's nowt wrong I'd have thought with you going along to support your mate there's not really hard and fast etiquette, just whatever the family is happy with really... if your friend wants you there its ok I reckon and hope its ok'ish for you Rachel, but doubt it really ... funerals suck ass... last one I was at was my brothers last year, that ws really shite for all sorts of extra fucking stupid reasons
not the greatest thing to look forward to are they, ive only been to one before and it wasnt the georgie best
The only way to get through funerals is by respecting the person and giving the the send off they deserve, think of all the happy things and funny things that you can remember, its ok to laugh at a funeral.