Fragile and Zabiela Has the night finished? Went to the first one and had a good time (It was dead though) And the promoter said he was gonna try and get Zabiela for this month, anyone heard anything?
Fragile it was on a thursday at WHQ, in august they had Tyler Stadius on. Thats the one
FRAGILE it's called. Next one is Cass then xmas Zabelia I think. I will e-mail paul who runs it and ask for ya
Yep Yeah thats the fella, if you could find out that'd be superb Will pop down for the Cass one as well, just hope it'll be a little busier this time!
Zabiela wasn't supposed to be until December last I knew. Fragile was launched as a bi-monthly project, Tyler played the launch in August, was supposed to be Cass in October and Zabiela in December, providing hte first two went well. I asked Paul on my way out of the first one, he said he was going to do another one
Apparently Fragile is returning in the New Year
Pauls away in California but i'll ask him to post more info up here when he gets a minute. The first night was a laugh, it went pretty well considering it was the first one and that Newcastle is shit as far as setting up small parties goes.
I was talking to Paul about it all the other day and he told me he had everything sorted with Zabiela to play the next one, had the fee agreed and everything then when he rang WHQ to book the night found out their Thursdays are full until the New Year. Nightmare!! I reckon we all chip-in and get him on in the Stout Fiddler!!