Fotys!!! sorry but me scanner is well bot! i takes ages to load up piccys so ive only done a few but ill get rest up lata!
LOL - I wouldnt be able to do one as im sure paint shop pro wouldnt allow a rattling jaw movement - a harsh gurn - my eyes poppin out my head and a lambert and butler in me hand n a look as if to say "Im fuckin hammered" Can try if anyone wants like
Give it a try then,while ya at it save my avatar and do summit wiv it change it for es coz its shite,then mail it to es then al put it on.
ERM...... I'm either spangled, which is a definate possibility, or I'm looking at a strange Donald the Duck bag sitting on the side of the DJ box! Gizmo x
thanx for clearin that up! did I talk to u that nite, cos i didnt know u were gizmo till after promise when micki telt is!