Flying Lessons Has anyone here had a flying lesson? I got one for christmas and im off this weekend to book a date, just wondered if anyone knows whats involved in the first lesson?
hello, this is a plane. These are its wings, this is the place you sit, click this this and this and away we go!
My first one was great, they taught me to do a loop and an upside down left hand turn (where you go streight up then turn hard so you go upside down) then I got to help to land it. You have to do streight and level flight first though and they teach you about pitch and yaw and what all the pedles and buttons do. Its sooo much fun! I flew near a rainbow once and it was a huge circle going down under the plane, way cool, :groovy:
No chance but I jump out a plane. You would even have to knock me out to get me on any plane. Reminds me of BA Barakas
They give you a parachute but its so uncomfortable, I wnt gliding a few times too, they give you a parachute for that to but then i heard that it wouldnt have time to open properly coz we werent going high enough and it was just to make us feel better!