File sharers hit again Legal action for 784 file sharers The music industry has announced a fresh series of legal actions against 784 people they suspect of illegally downloading songs from the internet. The action is brought by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA), bringing the total number of actions to nearly 11,000. The British Phonographic Industry (BPI) has sued 90 file-sharers to date. Separately, 90 raids have been carried out around the world in a co-ordinated crackdown on internet piracy. Police in 12 countries have seized computers and made arrests in an attempt to disrupt the "warez" groups responsible for the majority of copyrighted material available illegally online. "We have shown law enforcement can find and prosecute those who try to use the internet to create piracy networks," said US attorney general Alberto Gonzales. "We believe that actions such as this are going to have a significant deterrent effect," he continued. Civil action The RIAA said its new legal actions targeted users of such peer-to-peer sites as Limewire, Bearshare and Grokster. The actions followed a Supreme Court ruling on Monday that said websites that allow people to download illegally could also be sued. "If there was any doubt left, there should now be none: individuals who download music without permission are breaking the law," said RIAA chairman Mitch Bainwol. One suspected law-breaker is 14-year-old Emily Price from Cheltenham, whose mother Sylvia has been threatened with a £2,500 fine by the BPI. Ms Price must pay up by Friday or face further fines or civil action.
more than one they hit a fair few. thing is tho to date the RIAA have sued 11,000 people and apparently atleast in america this is true but u are more likely to be hit by lightning than to be sued for filesharing. The basic fact is unless u are downloading and the main thing they care about uploading a shit load every day then there is very little chance u will have the fbi or any british police knocking on your door.