Female Vocalists at the moment, im going through a phase of loving female-fronted bands, and artists :camp: im very much loving: Juliette and the Licks Skunk Anansie Skin Goldfrapp Annie Does anyone know any bands or artists in this kind of indie/dance/rock/scuzzy/vogue pop/trash sort of mould? sarcastic posts more than welcome also, does anyone know the url of that site, whereby you input an artists name, and it searches its database and suggests similar artists the system thinks you may like, and plays selected tracks?
lol Jack if the boards resident cool crew told bhangra-jazz fusion was in would you pretend you liked it?
nah mate, bhangra is so last week innit. this week its nazi punk: * A.B.H. * Arma Blanca * ChaoSS Hellas * The Dirty White Punks * Ethnic Cleansing * Fight For Freedom * Final Blow 88 * Forward Area * The Fuck-Ups* * Hellgrinder * Homicide * Midgårds Söner * Ódio Mortal * Phase One * The Raw Boys * White Pride
the modern might be up your street, i love them http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=15517697&MyToken=d3602731-9f70-4853-980a-7f7a0e703a33
if you know whats "in" this week, why do you continually ask the in crowd what you should be listening to?
lol what the fuck is it to you anyway. you aint no jew, you just been reading Heat magazine, and want a piece of the Maddona and Guy Ritchie pie
what are you talking about? I've watched you rip into about 90 different people on this board with the some psuedo-aroggant bullshit - then in the same breath you'll ask the in crowd for fashion advice. Your a fucking gimp mate, you've got no right to rip into anyone or anything...