fao rachel so hun, have ya found nefing out that mite interest me? sorry 2 keep buggin ya but , well, u know, u just gotta know these things.
hiya chick sorry im not very good at supplying u with info on this little situo am i??!!! i think that she likes you n that but um...imnot sure bout a relationship n all stuff like that mebbes you should give her a ring or sumfink..... how ya doin anyway r ya enjoyin ur hols??? xxxx
yeah, mes doin good ta, i werent thinkin bout relationships and that hun, i only met her twice, but ta 4 the advice. im avin lots of fun doin very little at home. hows bout u? u goin signum on fri.
hhhmmm...im still in two minds bout this one hun i think i'll prob end up goin but im working till bout 6 on fri then im at work at 11 on sat so im gonna have to travel back from n'castle early on the sat 4 wk if i go!! im havin a dead good time at home thanks everythings just dead happy n stuff the weathers luverly and its mint seein all my mates again!! im also dead lookin forward to this w'end!! fink marissas comin 2 stay 2morro, im introducin her to the evils of guisborough bless her then thurs is big piss up down guis cos everyone breaks up 4 the w'end then fri signum hopefully, sat down guissie again then on sunday judgement sunday yey yey yey yey yey!! what you up to hun have u made any plans??shit ur goin to r+b arent u you lucky lucky boy!! i'll let ya know hun if theres any more news on the beck situation!! lv ya hun have a mint eater if i dont speak to ya before lotsa lv rach xxxxx
ooooo, dont look like im goin r+b, i been spendin too much on records, so cant really afford it. doh. im comin up a week early so if ya get bored durin the last week of hols come to clc and keep us company, other than hat i got no plans 4 hols, just do v.little, and try get some work done. have fun wiv all ya mates and stuff. cya real soon byeee