Fao Damoduke - avatar thief! OI ! Stop nicking my pics! I take it you got that from either myself or Cyber Sox ( who originally "borrowed" it from me) on GC's Board ! Twas my first avatar all those months ago...... well...ahem...6 actually......... Grrrrrrrrrrrr !!! AVATAR THIEF !
yeah i knicked it but... im from st.helens, so's johhny vegas and monkey, plus i go to gc so its rather fitting
P.S. some of you may have noticed that the logo on my monkey's t-shirt changes, depending on which board he is on!!! he he!
Well..... I want RETRIBUTION ! money will do nicely, thanks ! by the way, Johnny is from St Helens, but My Monkey is from LA LA LAND !
la la land is a club in liverpool called voodoo the tune is about pills and the state u r in wen your pilled up to fuck. green velvet djd there and asked some one if he was ok and replied (scouse accent) im fuckin laffin la... im in la la land sad bit of trivia 4 u but true.. coz i was present on the night and saw an interview with him about the tune