Fantasy football - World Cup style update 3 After all the first round games.......... 1 Ridley's Rovers Lee Ridley 4,016 45 168 2 Fees world cup stars Christopher Fee 6,259 64 162 3 Crazy United Dr Crazy 9,666 45 155 4 Phily's Flying Fanny Phily Dee 21,139 46 137 5 the 66 squad stuart mcclurg 23,460 39 134 6 Jambon FC James Butler 25,311 36 131 7 Pont Rovers Antony Mott 31,274 26 122 8 TechnoOrgasm fizz dup 33,329 36 118 9 Nat's ALLSTARS Nat Percival 36,094 35 113 10 Goatsheed Allstars Peter Hudson 36,529 39 112 11 Spud693s Hot potatos John Tait 43,015 21 92 *Ur total score is the last number on ur team's line. Can't believe I had to get rid of Barthez, Henry, Simeone AND Bento!!!!!!!!!