fannk uoo mr grimes can i just say a big fank ooo to mr grimes for giving me a lift all the way back to york and then back to leeds again. also say it was good seeing you all again. big dave you best be at the next one and that goes for u marissa. right am going now to recover from a very very messy weekend. (i think im gonna be mentally scarred from it)
how harsh were the bouncers like!! that was soooo uncalled for...u should try n complain or sumit cos inside the club i swear there are people who can only be 15 and 16!!! you are fcukin 20 for gods sakes!!! gotta be some of the most tempremental bouncers ever at norf...people gettin chucked out left, right and centre for no reason and then theres some people who roll around as fcuked as can be, and they are left to there own devices. one of the only bad things about norf mefinx grimes is a legend aint he *round of applause for savin titch!* we will get big dave and marissa back to norf one day...and dave will be banned from enterin funkissential so that he can experience properly what norf is all about!!
may 5th-tidy boys and eddie halliwell aswell as good greef in room 2 again to boot!! constant movin around again like cos of the fantastic tunage between both rooms!! grrr!! funkissential was superb too...has the ability of turnin every house tune into a classic for some reason!!