what do u mean, defined? i could probably give examples of producers/tunes which i think are 'electro', but i dont think i could define it as such.
i dont know much about it, was wondering what makes up electo with trance it's breakdowns etc. what are the main elements of electro
What you call Electro Paul is probably: 2manyDJ's etc In reality its all techno, just people dont like to use the term "electroclash" anymore. Real electro is afrika bambata - planet rock Paul Hardcastle - 19 Or modern day "pure" electro would be DJ Assult
Off who?? certainly not me. i may not like the piccotto sound but ive seen Mills, Garnier and LFO all bring the roof down!
2 many DJs arent electro IMO. Electro has many elements in common with techno. For me its like slowed down techno, dirty, beaty stuff. Blackstrobe for me is a producer who sums up electro. Along with some DJ Hell productions. Loads of tunes have 'electro' elements tho, be it a breaks, house, or techno tune. lets not try and define it, lets just enjoy! raveon.
yeah just enjoy i. ive got a better idea about it now i like it. not as much as trance but its gud listening.
Kraftwerk are probs the best example of electro. there work from the 70's pioneered the sound of 'electro' Man Machine, The Model, Radio Activity, Tour de France I could go on....