Electricions Is anyone an electrician on here?! My washing machine and dishwasher have conked out. There's a switch for them on the wall not like a socket more like a light switch with a red light on it. We have taken this off and there is no fuse or anything in it to have tripped and none of the mains switches have tripped. Any ideas?!
if theres not its mains wired fro safety a main fuse in the main fuse box must have gone? u got the wall wet or something?? any damaged cabling behind the appliances?
There's no space for a fuse to be put in, and surely if a fuse had gone in the main box other sockets wouldn't work?!?! Nothing has tripped on the main fuse board thingy. We've checked the wiring which is fine and it's quite high up the wall so no chance of getting it wet. I spoke to a mate who's an electrician but couldn't come up with anything without a fuse?!?!? Looks like an expensive weekend for me if I have to get out a bloody electrician
is the fuse box really old? i know old ones can trip and leave just lights off while other sockets still work, maybe this can happen vice versa
It looks relatively new, we've only been in for 2 years but it seems new. GOd knows what's happened, and anyone I know who could fix it is at home
try not to use both appliances at once as this draws more current from the fuse board and an overload can cause the electrics to trip, and dose the fuse board have old fuses what u pull out or is it a modern one with trip switches ???
Yeah we decided this was a good idea now that it's gone!! The fuse board is a modern one iwth trip switches
Can you just not use an extension cable from another socket in the mean time? Will also test whether it's the small possibility of the appliances being fucked.
I am the landlord Dodgy - it's not an actual plug as such it's like a switch thing on the wall with a light on to show it's getting power to the appliances
They're wired straight to the socket How odd... They must have a fuse or trip switch somewhere... It's not the same switch for your boiler and cooker too is it? Are they working? Is the light coming on on the socket too?
No there's a plug on each of the appliance that's plugged in somewhere and that place is powered by this switch that's gone off, but there's no light coming on so that's why we think that's the prob as that powers the appliances?!?!? Think I'll just have to get an electrician out
on the fuse board switch off all the ones marked 30 amps this is the fuse for your cooker and shower if you have one, leave on all the ones marked 13 or 15 amps this is for your actuall sockets and flick off the ones that are 5 or 6 amps this is for your lights also chek the fuses in the plugs of the appliances because some times when the electrics trip the fuse in the plug also goes