Drugs programs... Anyone else catch the drugs programs over the last couple of nights? I think the last one is on tonight. The first one was pretty laid back and focused mainly on pills and coke. It was actually pretty refreshing to see interviews with drugs dealers and they weren't made out to be nasty pushers corrupting the youth of society. Last nights was on crack and heroin and was just RANK! Such a massive contrast between that and the world of recreational drug use. Tonight........"The Drug Dealers of Ibiza" Defo worth a watch!
I saw the 'recreational' one and I enjoyed it, but I started to watch last night's and found it a bit boring so switched over. Tonight's sounds more interesting though
The worlds of recreational drugs and escapist drugs like smack are a million miles apart. In 15 years of clubbing iv only ever encountered Heroin use once and that being used at someone house and I cant even remember seeing anyone use Crack. The shows have been good and I loved the Coke is like a After 8 mint line! haha Ill be watching tonight because my pal who was in Barcelona jail told me the BBC team was hassling him in to making a interview last year!
I saw the 1 last night. Was pretty grim stuff,spending all their giro on crack and smack. The Ibiza 1 tonight should be good,I'm sure it'll be more accurate than Mixmag's report a few months ago!
I think Tuesday nights programme was good I like the way they interviewed users from across the board and not just skanky prostitutes to make it look bad!!! I didn't see last nights episode but my friend told me at one point it showed a guy shooting up before he was due in court and hiding some smack in his ass so he could take it to prison with him!?! I think that may be showing a bit too much!!! I can understand that they want it to be hard hitting but if I'd have seen that I think I's have been physically sick
Last nights was awful. The one the day before was fair game in my opinion - it was about people who did what they did without letting it affect other peoples lives (at least not criminally) So bad in fact, i felt bad for smoking 3 silk cut purples that evening Tonights should be good, although im missing it, its about Ibiza.
Re: Drugs programs... I remember the days when most of the street dealers in Ibiza were from Manchester, now its Diouf & co all over the shop.