Dress Sense Following on from the Glowsticks thread how many of you wear cyber these days or funky dress? Personally I grew out of it years ago and now I try and go out looking smart with some nice jeans, a shirt and a pair of winklepicker shoes
Never worn Cyber, used to wear shirt and shoes but over the last couple of years its t-shirt, jeans and trainers without fail Comfort always
never done cyber, nearest i've come was a shiney t-shirt at quality years ago. tend to just go with jeans, trainers and a t-shirt. cyber was never my thing but when its done well looks good, but most people i see just look a bit naff in their sunday market dayglo wear... and fat birds should steer well clear too
this thread should be renamed "Boys swap fashion tips" i think you should all take a leaf out of "Crazy" Jimi's book
Re: Re: Re: Dress Sense These days mate I tend to goto more funky house nights than anything else but I still have a soft spt for hardcore and hard dance its just the best clubs in Leeds are funky ones.
geordielee's old photo albums in the pictures forum are full of fitties in tight luminous pants... top perving marks
Re: Re: Re: Re: Dress Sense You change your muic poloicy more than your do your bxershorts? Last time i was talking to you were into nrg
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Dress Sense That was 2 years ago mate!! I gave up clubbing last year and its only been in the past 3 months that ive got back into it and my taste now seems to lie with funky house. I cant handle full on night with banging music it annoys me after a while, im getting old now mate so I need slower music
Re: Re: Re: Re: Dress Sense No there not mate. Have you been to Technique, Basics or any of the techno or Mnml nights.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Dress Sense Something like them yeah although mine are a different shade of brown. I hate techno mate its the one style I really despise.