Do you still buy records?

Discussion in 'Music' started by Phil Mitchell, Jan 29, 2007.

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  1. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    Do you still buy records?

    Are people here still buying vinyl or is it just set for a life as a nostalgic media?

    I was looking on Juno the other day and that day there were 15 new vinly releases in the house section for that day yet 176 download releases!
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Lamb

    Lamb Registered User

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Searching for the new sound!
    yeah i bought 2 today!
    aint got cd decks so i have to. cant afford them quite yet!
  4. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    seems like by the time u get the popular stuff (especially with trance) come out on vinyl - every fucker and their dog has it on 'CDR' (majority illegally) and it's been played to death.

    current trance fans attitudes means it's gotta be so upfront otherwise it's old hat.

    vinyl is still best for the old stuff that was missed the first time around and has never really got widespread on MP3 the P2P networks...

  5. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    Saw this on the weekend and thought this might be of interest....

    Vinyl Faces Its Final Curtain

    Dance culture elder statesmen Paul Hartnoll from Orbital and S Express's Mark Moore predicted vinyl is set to become obsolete in the new issue of Mixmag this week, in a feature headlined Grumpy Old DJs.

    "It's not got much of a f**king future has it, vinyl?" said Paul Hartnoll, "It'll die like the wax cylinder."

    Acid house pioneer Fabio also described being shocked when he stumbled across two Technics turntables on a recent visit to London's Science Museum, in a display area celebrating classic technology.

    "They had this archive section with a pair of SL1200s in the window," the drum & bass don declared, "and it (a placard that) said 'this is what DJs used in the 70s and 80s'."

    Next generation DJ Paulo Mojo told Skrufff he last played an all-vinyl set in 2000 and his last ever record in a club at the end of 2004 and said, though he still buys vinyl regularly, he now always edits tracks with Ableton before burning them onto CD for spinning.

    "I was travelling with Lee Burridge a couple of weeks ago, who still plays predominantly vinyl, and he said almost ruefully, he is waiting for the day he shows up at a club to find no Technics installed. And he believes it will be sooner rather than later." said Paulo. "Lee is an exception rather than a rule mind you. Danny Howells still carries a big box of records too."

    "For me the flexibility of using Abelton and CDs far outweighs any nostalgia I might feel for a box of 12" records," he added.
  6. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    not exactly news i'd say.... but i'm glad they've finally realised :lol:
  7. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    Why does he bother buying vinyl if its just 'nostalgic' :lol:

    Hartnoll is obviously just bitter because every mix he's ever done sounds like the Grand National :lol:

    I'll be glad in 20 years time when i've got something more tangible than thousands of worthless files on a computer
  8. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    glad? i'll probably be weeping at the money i spent on the tunes that sounded good and had a lot of potential online - then gash once u got it home :cry:
  9. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    :lol: Do you want to borrow my rose tinted glasses?

    hint: sell those records on

    you'll be amazed what shit people will buy :lol:
  10. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i think i need to have a big sort out - dump some shite on their... i've only ever used my discogs account for begging for other peoples castoffs :lol: just made a load on ebay selling tat out of mi garage, i'm getting into this 2nd hand selling game...
  11. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    plus listing them on their means that you have a record of what you've got (incase you have a fire/burgled etc etc)
  12. STATIC

    STATIC Registered User

    Aug 20, 2006
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    In The Matrix
    Vinyl is a part of history for me and it would be a real shame to see it go - they said it would vanish after the birth of the compact disc and yet it still survived - i'd hate to see the 12" die off completely. I agree there's a shit load of illegal downloading these days and that just kills the format even more.

    I still buy vinyl but also buy mp3's from the likes of Juno,Beatport & DJDownload amongst others. The main reason for me has mainly been postage and packing since I don't get out to real record shops and the cost of vinyl being shipped can be very pricey sometimes, however there's still many gems on vinyl that you will never get on mp3/cd so it's worthwhile sticking with both formats.

    Me and Proudy had vinyls with us on New Year at the Promise gig but found the turntables unplugged and wrecked in the DJ booth upon arrival. Chris Liberator & Dave the Drummer were playing 100% from vinyl at Freaky on Friday and it's nice to see jocks sticking with the classic 12" plastic.

    I'll certainly stick with vinyl and continue to buy both formats.
  13. Þ€tè®*

    Þ€tè®* Registered User

    Jun 8, 2003
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    I don't anymore as it's too expensive and i personally prefer cd. One annoying thing about music going totally digital is that you have to go through loads of shite music to find good stuff, labels seem to be throwing anything out now as it wont cost them as much.
  14. smiley :O)

    smiley :O) for one priceless moment

    Jun 14, 2005
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    raise your glowsticks i thank you
    i bought sandy b make the world go round few months ago on vinyl for decks my mate had lent me while he was moving house
  15. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    i could spend an hour making a rubbish tune in Reason tonight, then setup my own digital label and with 24 hours the track could be up for sale on Beatport/Juno etc etc

    its a joke really
  16. Dan

    Dan Registered User

    Jan 2, 2007
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    The market has become flooded with shite across all genres definately. But that doesnt really matter imo. Everybody has there favourite labels and producers so they know where to look. Sometimes looking through all the shite pays off when you find an unlikely good tune. The advantages outdo the disadvantages for me, i save loads of £ and i dont even have to move off my fat arse!! I still buy the odd bit of vinyl if i cant find it on any download sites though.

    Its not going to live much longer. I cant see CD's going either as there easier to carry around (compared to vinyl) and have the same cost advantages as going fully digital.

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