Dawn official statement

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tatey, Feb 10, 2006.

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  1. Tatey


    Feb 16, 2004
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    Dawn official statement

    As a lot of you know already, Dawn was set to be the official afterparty for Goodgreef Tall Trees, commencing after next Saturdays Goodgreef event.

    There are several rumours circulating at the moment due to an article which was in last nights Evening Gazette.

    Although the license was granted for the club to stay open till 10am by Middlesbrough Council, Cleveland Police appealed against the decision. The case went up before a magistrate yesterday and they won the case to pull the license.

    We have considered other methods of getting the club open on the night and have spent today trying to come up with ideas on how to pull it off.
    Unforunately there is no legal way for us to do so and therefore we have no other choice than to cancel the 19th February event.

    We will be doing everything in our power to get this event started up hopefully in the not too distant future but despite all our efforts it has been stated that no club in Middlesbrough will be given such a license to put on this kind of party.

    We are all very sorry to those who have already shown an interest and given us full support. Especially those who have already arranged travel from places out of the area.

    With luck on our side we will eventually win the battle against Cleveland Police and bring it into the 21st century.
    For now though I'm afraid its back to the drawing board for ourselves.

    Hopefully you will all understand and not hold it against us personally.

    Thankyou for your continued support.
    Sorry again for any inconveniences this may have caused you!

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