There are some nasty things going around that specifically look for mp3's and corrupt them. Moral of the story is .... why do people keep using Kazaa?
Hmmm.... I use Kazaa and Suprnova, never had problems with Kazaa like... you need to make sure your pc is well up to date, and secure, and running an up to date virus scanner to catch the virii before they get in. It's unlucky thought mate, just make sure you are more careful with your internet security.
dunno why anyone would ever download anything from kazaa - theres better places to get anything movies - bit torrent / emule music - direct connect / soulseek games & apps - bit torrent All of the above are faster and more secure ways of getting stuff... they are all i use and im an "uber duber geek to the max pc tech web" geezor.
So am I DC really gets on my tits with its sodding share sizes. I do need to get it again though. Brid...Link to a GOOD DC client please?? :angel3: I need to reinstall Soulseek! Ur downloads depends on the people you get them off and the traffic they have so in theroy there shouldnt be a huge difference between programs, altho I hear DC can be uber fast at times! I rarely noticed a difference in speed between Kazaa and SoulSeek anwyay....
has soulseek any adware in? i always stick with WinMX, soulseek seemed constantly chuffed last time i tried it...
From what I remember Soulseek was pretty clean without any shitty spyware. For music tho Direct connect's the one to have I wud say
theres one issue with soulseek and thats that the original domain name was purchased by someone who basically is distributing a spyware installer and nothing else - but to the end user, it looks like all they are doing is downloading soulseek from the original site (which looks exactly the same) the best way to get the program is to google for it. Apart from that, its as clean as a whistle - no spyware or anything to my knowledge.
any P2P apps are open to abuse simply cause how they work. u could have downloaded a trojan by accident...