Cyberdog My mams in Beefa at mo,and i asked her to go to cyberdog to get me summit.....and theyve got a little kiddies cyberdog shop...and i think shes got the bairn summit,(shes only 8 month old) how cool is that.... Mark you'll have to start up a Promise tots night.
av been b4,got sum nice stuff there,but while me mams in beefa i thought i'd help her spend her money.So i gave her the directions to cyberdog. Lol..she actually said she liked the place aswell... Al come cyber to promise sum time...
no but SERIOUSLY could they not build a wacky warehouse upstairs with ball-pools n slides n shit it would be like the best thing on the planet! can u imagine all us sweaty gibbons climbing through brightly coloured tubes and sliding down whirly slides! oh to be ten again!
no no no they've re arranged the shop and started stocking cyberdog... tis completely diffeerent with loadsa new lines (dane, cybdog, quantum leap - instead of just mac gear )... they got the new stuff on thursday - deffinatly worth a look in.
a didnt know they were going to stock cyberdog and dane etc..?Will be well better now,extending there range,i will certainly get myself down there and spend some hard earned pimp cash in there.