Custom Mobile Phone Stuff anybody know a site where i can send my own pictures and wallpapers and stuff to my mobile???
what kinda fone m8? has a lot of stuff.. but for free stuff u need a datacable.. does anyone know where i can get ringtones/wallpapers/pictures for a sony t200?
cheers m8! i got a motorola C350, ive got som gifs on my comp that i want to send to my mobile for a screensaver, but i dont know any site i can do that from. it is possible tho.
i think a datacable wud b easiest.. there about £10 then u can upload/delete as you want... bri (mrsleepy) is the mobile whore around here but hes in bed
go on ebay, you can buy CD's for a couple of quid with 1000's of ringtones, wallpapers, utilities, etc. I bought one for a quid for my T100, it has phone unlocking software, WAP enabling stuff, 6000 poly ringtones, loads of stuff. Saves buying them off the net. Just search on your type of phone.