credit cards anyone ever had any problem using balance transfer to stave off paying interest on credit cards? or reccomend a good one? my min payment at the mo is ridiculous so im thinking about applying for an egg card or something and banging as much on it as possible... debt is wrong
Re: Re: Re: credit cards fuck me I have £2500 on a Virgin card and that's it. The balance never goes down
Re: Re: Re: Re: credit cards yeh ive got a lovely virgin one too... introduced the to the scissors a long time ago so fortunatley its only going down.. but your so right had so many chances to clear the fuckers.. never do tho biggest mistake of my life! im still paying for pork scratchins bought on late night missions to sandyford esso 3 years ago
I'm gonna call Virgin tomorrow and add my card balance to my existing loan. Would rather pay it off as part of my loan as opposed to paying it every month.
thew "best" credit card at the moment would b the halifax one probs -9months interest free on balance transfers this is what i do too, but u need to hav a good credit rating or they'll only giv u a low amount on your card to start off with, normally £250
Re: Re: credit cards Hahaha, everyone says that but most people still get another one! I've got 3 cards with a silly amount on them!
The interest rate after the 9 months is shit tho, most people don't get the best rate (7.9 I think). I got about 17% and a 2k limit....bastards!
the best thing to do is cut them up! that's what i did to get control of my debt, or at least try. just gettin a graduate loan now to pay it off, works out cheaper
Re: Re: Re: credit cards I'm wanting shot of this card, even if it means paying it off as part of my big loan over 5 years. I will never get another one
lol well ass soon as ur time is almost up, find another card wiv 0%, transfer the balance to that, pay a bit off, then transfer it back the problem wiv things like egg cards, is that they hav )% till a certain time, eg 13th Sept, u need to make sure u get one like halifax that has a 9month interest free on all balance transfers, n make sure it's for the life term of the card it's easy to do, but u need to get 2 decent 0% cards n not spend ne money... which is easier said than done...
a pair of scissors will see to that! im such a lazy **** i should have done this ages ago.. tend to run away from stuff, and it usually comes and bites me in the ass
I have just added me Egg Visa to me Egg Loan, they have gave me a rate of 7.9 % for them two and it beats the 14.9 % for the visa - the loan itself was originaly good anyways ! I still now have two other Visa's with thousands on, one of them the % isnt that bad but the others crap and i am trying to get another card for lifetime balance or summit like that ! If i could turn back time i wouldnt have anything as handy as they can be at times, thing is for me i see cards that i think will help me with the % they are but its normally a rejection for baldy ! I am more clued up about it than ever now tho and am always looking to save ££ with my payments cos me monthly outgoings are stupid on them ! Ibiza hasnt cost me anything on them tho and i will be taking one away with me for emergencies obviously, id be fucking stupid to use it anyways at the rates they charge ! I told me mam the other day how much ££ debt i was in, safe to say it was a couple of days of blankety blank and bread and water I wont use anything in a hurry again and when i get back off me holidays im getting a 2nd job, from that ill pay more off them and hopefully i can get things transfered from one to another cos of that and save ££ ! Its shit paying loads and fuck all coming off the cards