Crazy Email? Im getting a thingy off hotmail saying it has failed to send the following email off me to random addresses...apparently ive been sending one which says Good day to you my friend! I am ready to kill myself and eat my dog, if medicine prices here ( are bad. Look, the site and call me 1-800 if its wrong.. My dog and I are still alive LMAO WHAT THE FUCK!?
yep change your passwords Jess & get ready for a few pissed off / bemused replies, looks like you're accounts been hacked and used to send out spam. It's a way for spammers to get their spam past the junk mail filters by using kosher email addresses... trouble is that if you don't notice and change your password these emails might get reported as spam by people and your email address will start getting blacklisted and your emails ending up in the junk mail box too... either that or the email you just got is the hoax and isn't from hotmail at all, just made to look like it is... either wat change yer password pronto just in case IMO