Could you take just a couple of mins to do this? could you take a few moments just to fill out this to ask America to buck up their ideas about global warming? cheers
No one listens to greenpeace. Plus America's well on it's way to sorting itself out. Politicians aren't really electable unless they have a clearly defined environment policy any more. And they're all clammering to be the next Schwarzenegger-like climate hero.
they are always full of empty promises and they say they are doing this that and the other....and they arent. if no-one listens to greenpeace how come they are solely responsible for persuading mcdonalds to stop using GM fed chickens that are produced in the amazon with 12 legs and 14 breasts? they have promised to use proper chickens.
Solely responsible my arse. Supersize Me and all number of dieticians have been bumming on about stuff like that for ages. It got to the stage where they had to be seen to be doing something about improving the quality of their food, and not because of anything Greenpeace had done. And anyway, even if what you've said was right, it's still hardly ^much of a claim to fame for an international organisation that's been running various messages for decades about subjects a lot more important thatn dubiously overbreasted chickens in the amazon.
Buried how so? They produce around 26% of the worlds economic output. What's the fascination with carbon emission and carbon emissions only? What about the Clear Skies initiate and the reduction of sulphur dioxides, mercury and other dangerous gases, through procedures opposed by many environmentalists because they wouldn't work. But they did You can argue against hard legislation but many results have been very good.
Those statistics are quite harsh on America when you consider China who are going through an economic boom, and their main energy source is from gas and coal power stations. Plus all those thick bastard South Americans who are needlessly ripping down the rain forest can take some blame aswell. I cannot really see America doing anything about this though, i heard Bush was cutting down on fuel and looking for alternatives, but i think hes only doing it so USA are less dependant on the middle east to supply the oil.