Copenhagen hit by massive power cut 4 millon homes and businesses lost supplies and parts of Sweden, hmmmmmmm Now call me a conspiracy theorist, but in last 2 months New York, London now Copenhagen have had massive power cuts, all caused by accident with no sabotage suspected. 2 I might take as coincidence but 3??????? I can't remember the last time a major western capital city totally lost power now 3 in the space of about 6 weeks...... I'm suspicious to say the least. Wonder how much a terrorist group could hold a govt to ransom for by turning off the power and keeping it turned off!!! Anyone seen the Simpsons when they had a power cut :spangled: :spangled:
in the 1970's paramilitaries in northern ireland targeted the power stations in northern ireland, army engineers were called in but couldn't do anything, so the government of northern ireland colapsed at that time and subsiquent direct rule was reintroduced.
Mexico suffered a huge one recently too, just before major international trade talks were being held. Very suspect, and I work in the industry!
you're a conspiracy theorist mate must admit, it's all happened a little too co-incidentally, Copenhagen is a little bit random though, compared to say Berlin or Paris. If it happens in the far east next, then I'm gonna think about packing a bag
Power grids have been hacked several times - but bringing town entire grids is virtually impossible. would it be l0pht heavy industries? another one, this time the whole of Italy something is afoot I tell thee, I'm off to buy lots of tinned food and put £100 on aliens landing in the next year
Me thinks the terrorists are moving into cyberwarfare. it all makes sense, first all the MSBLAST stuff on the net then powercuts in reallife. For all we know they could be holding countries to ransom and we have no idea, being hushed up etc
Your always thinking ahead Webb mate I wouldnt be surprised if it ws you hacking into some sort of government power grid and turning it all off
uh oh, my mam n dad have just gone to there loads of fighting going on there? my sister in law told me there was a mini war going on at the minute!