Convicts to be given priority over jobs. Just saw on the front of todays metro as i braved the 2 hour commute into London, that apparently Job Centres are going to allow ex-crims to 'JUMP THE QUEUE' for jobs when they come out of the nick. Now ive had my brush in's with being far too PC but come on - this is Beyond a joke. It honestly feels like theres no incentive to work hard and be a law abiding (largely) and decent membe of society since all it means is that you work harder and harder to subsidise either people who just cant be bothered to contribute to the system, or have people who have decided to take the law into their own hands and be locked up for it - given priority over jobs?!?! Now theres nothing wrong with punishing and rehabilitating criminals and allowing them back into society, but surely we need to go back to the days where a gentle, low key approach to this is needed - and not an all out policy of just saying 'we'll give you a job quickly so you dont get into trouble' to anyone who has been IN JAIL?!?! God this world is going mad!
The goverment already give employers large cash incentives to take on long time wallers. Can imagine them wasting a fucking fortune convincing employers to take the crims on..
Re: Convicts to be given priority over jobs. Then your to partly blame you PC limp wrist. (along with all the other PC do gooders) People like YOU have given the goverment a inch and they have taken a mile. DEAL WITH IT
Ive got no gripes with the idea of rehabilitation and re-integration into being a law abiding citizen. but it almost feels like we've created a society where 'playing by the rules' looks like a mugs game - the precise reason why people look for work is to earn money and contribute to society (and NOT to become a criminal to make ends meet) ........ its a complete paradox to think that being a criminal fast tracks you for consideration for work. Theres a balance between giving people a chance, and just taking the piss out of people who work hard. Obviously this is all based on a newspaper story - but if the most basic 'facts' as they have stated them, are true, then its madness in my opinion.
i know a girl who comminted credit card fraud many years ago and got a fine for doing so. she has been law abiding for years since but has only this year been sacked from two basic call centres after they found this out. the poor lass is trying to go straight but rules like this are pushing her back into crime....... she didnt even go to jail for her crime..