come together Is there any plans for another one soon in the north east. Really enjoyed the last one at Icon last may.
I imgaine they will be easter bank holiday (which is early this year) - end of march, or maybe the may bank holidays (start and end of may) and August bank holiday, tho thats just pure speculation
yeah but once before there was a big promise on a friday night and then they did the sunday as well. you are proba right tho. I would expect one of the may bank holidays and august if they are financially viable, only mark will really know tho!
i hope there is something on in march, as i dont really fancy the lashes night and bet theres a few 'trance lovers' who would rather go to another cometogether!!!
There is supposed to be another event at Ikon this year so it might be come togther not sure....will hav to wait and see x
magic! look into the eyes look into the eyes, not around the eyes but into the eyes after 3 you will be completely under my spell and do exactly as I tell you, 3-2-1...