come back smart-e's phone thief, all is forgiven! FAO smart-e phone thief, who was sending me loads of dirty tetxs - I was well up for it, its not often I get the offer of a good seeing to off an under - age boy....and when I said grandpa lee will watch, I mean that just watch! He won't touch you, I promise!!!! (unless you want him to that is) come on, whoever you are, you were SO keen until I started responding in kind....surely you aren't a retarded little wanker who couldn't get a lay with £20 under his foreskin, that gets his kicks from trying to freak out girl,s but can't take it when they BITE BACK! if anyone knows this charming chap, point him in my direction and tell him I'll supply the Marmite!
I will hunt you down and break your fuckng legs! You knwo who you are and I'm pretty sure I do - CUNT