fucking excellent, came home from ma mates earli last nite cos had to be up 1st thing in the mornin 4 uni dragged maself outta bed n into uni even tho i was knackered, ran all the way from the bus stop cos thought i was gonna be late 4 ma 9 o clock lecture n i always get told off 4 bin late then got there the fucking lecturer neva turned up and out next lectures not till 1 o clock so am having to sit around 4 4 fucking hours when i could still be in bed as we speak gggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr fucking hell!! xxxxx
Yes cos ive met up with loads of mates n spent all of last week getting blitzed No cos ive been in since 9 this morning trying to sort students out signing on for lab sessions!
i don't go back to liverpool til this weekend, start on monday. bin up here since the start of june and it feels like i've bin here for fucking ages! i've had a quality summer though!
Im at college for 1 year then I got the whole student lifestyle thing coming the in the next few years. Im really excited !
Am doing my A levels: maths, geography, business studies and IT. Am finding maths a bit hard like, and a dont getting up really early either. Other than that it seems to be going fine-for now, although am dreading it when we get all our coursework cos we usually get it all the same time for each subject and you have not tuime for yourself But a suppose it has to be done
back at uni this week, i wanna be back at work already. totally feel like i was learning so much more in the work place, I can't wait to wear my funny hat and get my stupid piece of paper, then i can get back on with some real learning. plus york is about a 100x nicer than middlesbrough.
my sis is off to york in the next coupla weeks !!!! You may see her going about, really pretty blnode thing and she has leg problems so she walks on crutches. If you see her say hi I know Cameron, just to make her feel she cant go anywhere without hearing or seeing me !