me and the missus are going with the doors opening so early, there will probably be a smaller support act before ashcroft i wouldve thought? really looking forward to it!
Im going!!!! :wub: I think Richard starts at 7:30, Im sure Ive read it somewhere. Im standing, does it matter what time I go? Can I just barge my way to the front?
Yeah, I reckon I'lll be doing that. Just don't want to be too late... think I'll head there for about 8pm bladdered. :beer:
Doors to Foyer 6.00pm Doors to Auditorium 6.30pm Richard Ashcroft 7.30pm Interval 8.15pm-8.45pm COLDPLAY 8.45pm After Show (Free of Charge) in Foyer Till Midnight I'm there
Traffic Road Works Alert 1. To patrons travelling from west Road works along Scotswood Road. Use diversion turning right into Newcastle Business Park at Audi (Addisons) Garage 2. Tyne Bridge Closure Due to fireworks display Tyne Bridge is CLOSED 7-8.30pm. ALL traffic is being diverted onto Redheugh Bridge with CONCERT TRAFFIC!! 3. Quayside Approach This is closed due to fireworks display 6-8.30pm 4. We strongly recommend With a 10,800 attendance, high vehicle usage, traffic congestion in the area will be very significant a)Use Park and Ride on Metro to Central Station 8 minutes walk form Arena. b)LEAVE HOME VERY VERY EARLY looks like the best way to get there is by helicopter
Whats this?? With regards to the traffic, I think we'll be walking from the Hilton..its not very far is it?
i got a letter telling me all this stuff from the arena i would imagine its not an after party as such, it just takes alot of time for 10,800 people to leave and they serve drinks on the way out
sitting but a few of me mates are standing, so if i can wangle it i will be sitting at first then standing from then on
Nice one Im so excited!! Im gonna stop thinking about it or Ill start dancing round my room and I just cant be bothered
all me mates are coming up the neet to sort out what were doing during the day, and how were going to get there and stuff. listening to coldplay now having :chill: cant wait :wiggle:
Should be a good night tbf. Not there biggest fans, but like quite a few of there songs. I'll have a few bevvies, and head back to the Hilton