Christmas Shopping is so infuriating when the little chava lasses ram there buggies into the back of your legs and the elderly suddenly stop in front of you :evil:
Re: Christmas Shopping FOR NO REASON!!!!!!!!!! WHY?????????? JUST FUCKING WHY?????????? and breathe........
Re: Christmas Shopping give people buggies some consideration then and don't "oh, i'll quickly cut infront of this buggy" making them have to stop and start every 10 feet... i'm not a charver and i don't ram peoples legs - but once you've pushed a 'buggy' for a while - your attitude changes. However dithering old biddies are a different matter - GET YOUR PURSES OUT BEFORE THE CASHIER ASKS FOR THE MONEY FOR YOUR 8 ITEMS OF SHOPPING (mainly cat food and moth balls) - IT'S NOT LIKE YOU DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE GOING TO HAVE TO PAY nevermind taking an hour to put said 8 items in those stupid biddie bags on wheels....
just sit in front of your pc and get the postman to do all the walking. Thats the intelligent thing to do
I think the reason the charva lasses hit you with their buggy's is because they are all over the legal limit for driving a vehicle. I've seen some that would have a better chance of getting home if they traded places with the 2 year old.