Childhood Pranks What was everyones favourite childhood prank? Mine has to be standing on a busy road, me at one side and a friend at the other and pretending to play tug of war with some rope, all the cars would slow down as they approached us! Did anyone else used to do this?
Re: Childhood Pranks Oh yes!! I used to like giving 'directions' to people who stopped me in cars & vans lost! Backfired once when I sent a van man down the riverside at Hebburn, which is a dead end, not thinking he would eventually come back. We used to sneek up on the parked and steamy cars along the riverside, which were either packed with smokers or shaggers, and appear either side of the car shouting out of nowhere - that often got a response!
We used to get the workmens cones and block off the roads in Throckley so the bus's had to turn around and find an alternative route
Cut a hole in the lining of your trouser pocket, get a bong on and pop said boner through, stand in school dinner line with tray held in both hands, ask dinner lady to get change out of the prepared pocket, that used to get a reaction!!
LMAO i remember somone at school used to do this to the birds in his class purposely having his hands full asking them to get his pen out of his pocket!
we used to tie fishing wire to peaoples door knockers and unravel about 25 metres of line then tug on it, wait for them to come and look then oncec they'd closed the door do it straight away, was a good trick if youve seen it done. we used to turn peoples sky's over with our sky remotes through their window aswell which was a laugh.