chicken in womens clothing... It was that first visit to the local pet shop that made me fall in love with ren. Ren is a hen not a chicken, he eats dog food ofen dressed as a woman. Yep this fukin chicken is very clever and thats wat i like best about it. I let it out 1 day and the fuka flew away! the little bastad i thought!!! So i hopped on me bike pulled out me gun and shot the fukin t wat down! lol it fell like a brick the little s hit! Then i stampped on its heed till i cryed like a bever in the shower. The old woman that wittnessed all this got it 2 lol proper i squeezed the old bitch into a toilet roll and rolled her down the biggest hill u can think of! then once at the bottom i threw balls of wool at her until she killed her self outa insanity! Am i s hithot or wat!? lol So dont go out there and buy a hen from ya local pet shop... ...if u do and cant resist the temptation then u need medical help lol