cheeky fuckers i'm filling out my forms ready for starting northern rock on mon and the cheeky fuckers have asked me my height and weight...what the fuck has that got to do with selling loans and mortgages???
I get the hint... You gonna tell the truth on the form though? Put down your height as 3ft 4inches and your weight as 34 stone, see if they notice when you turn up. If they say anything, do them for discrimination.
I had similar forms when i got my contract for Npower, the were for the on site nurse! Had a load of medical questions, height, weight, smoker, non-smoker, doctor etc.. I never filled em in like, nee one said out either!
Re: cheeky fuckers Maybe they have a max weight load for there chairs and if your a fatty you might break them.
Re: Re: cheeky fuckers and perhaps they have low if you exceed the height limit you bang your head.....
Re: Re: Re: cheeky fuckers exactly what I was thinking, maybe there office is like the one on the film being john malkovich
Re: cheeky fuckers I worked at northern rock part time, and it is full of hotties!! They must not want fattys cramping their stylee
I've got an assessment centre next Friday with them, might just wear a low cut top, and cross my fngers it works, it's the only chance I've got of getting the job!!
Re: Re: Re: cheeky fuckers They couldnt handle me being right all the time!! By doing things my way i could get the job done in half the time, but no no u have to do it the way we have been doin it for the last twenty million years!!!! It was like working with fucking robots! pulled a little hottie while i was their though!
thats absolutley shocking about northern rock... when i 1st started working there, i didnt have to give any information out like that
ive had to giv that information b4 when started working here or at abbey, cant remember, it think its just for some sort of health or insurance reasons, so u not gonna b off with illness or anythin happen to u at work. well i think its that i dont really know