Chav Culture

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BRID, Mar 16, 2006.

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  1. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Chav Culture

    Hey i like whining about the world - so heres another whine.

    Does anyone think its quite surreal that the way things have progressed today means that the average hard working to middle class people (Most people on this board) have had to put off things like having kids or buying houses because they simply cant afford them till they approach their thirties...

    .... BUT at the same time, the chavs and scroungers of this country are multiplying as much as possible in order to maximise the number of benefits and the size of the free house they can claim, as well as the million and one other things they are 'due'.

    What kind of future race are we encouraging here? Are social morals an out dated concept? I mean, we look at people like Chantelle, Rooney and Jordan as our role models these days ..... 20 years ago was this the case?

    Now i used to be overly liberal in my views - but where is this country going.... it used to be shameful to get into debt and scrounge off others. These days its the idiots that work eh? Just to support others .....

    Anyways - whats the solution?

    1. Make more of an incentive for people to have solid 'traditional' families - like the old tax breaks?

    2. Dramatically reduce benefits for people with more than 1-2 children?

    3. Give benefits in the form of vouchers - so they are used to buy essentials and not cigarettes / sky TV that not even I can afford.

    4 Something else????

    The liberals might argue about taking away a persons dignity - but surely this idea that anyone who cant be bothered to work or take responsibility for their life and that of others, should be treat with kid gloves .... is a recent invention?

    Whats your view.
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. M.C.E

    M.C.E 1981-2013

    Apr 16, 2002
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    You could supply vouchers but they would only sell them on for whatever they needed.

    The argument is always going to be that if you withdraw benefits for lazy pikey people/families then they would turn to crime (full time :lol: ) to fund their lives.

    Imo people who rely on benefits (that can and should be working) should be made to do some sort of community work for their benefits!
  4. Guest

    Re: Chav Culture

    i think for 1 it will become worse, its a trend more than anything, i see it every day when i get on the bus for work, kids going to school, as young as 10, wearing "rockports". even kids that used to be normal at school changing. i really cant say much because i had the berghaus and tracksuit bottoms, but people i always thought were ok have put the "alreet who" voice on and i think its daft. i had to mature a bit before i realised how shit it was, but people who were ok shouldnt turn onto it.

    for example i saw this lad i used to speek to all the time at the bus station the other day and he walked past me like he didnt know me, then 10 mins later i heard a "HEAR, HEAR" i turns round and hes standin there (pants tucked in2 socks ndall) "yee got a lend of 10 pence like"
    to be honest am not a nasty kid but a just telt him to fuck off and get a job.

    not nice i know but theythink they can spraff tabs and 50 pences when they please, they think it intimidates you when there in a group but who gives a fuck?

    its a lot of pointless bolloks, who wants to dress and talk like that?

    dont get me wrong some of my best friends are in that catogory but i personally dont think its a good thing.
  5. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    You cant sell vouchers if they were distributed and used in a persons name.

    Link it to a passport or some kind of benefits card or whatnot (Not an ID card!).

    Maybe its time to make scrounging off everyone else a shameful thing again?

    Either way, the burden being placed on other peoples shoulders to support people who honestly just cant be BOTHERED to do anythign with themselves, aint working and as the world moves towards a new era with the likes of India and China dominating (who DONT have the same idea of a welfare state as we do) means we are going to have to do something about competing and surviving.

    DISCLAIMER : Im not anti benefits. Im just against something thats intended as a 'safety net' becoming an acceptible lifestyle choice for many people in britain these days.
  6. SeniorChem Si

    SeniorChem Si Registered User

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Getting it on
    It's fast becoming a major fuckin problem. And mainly caused (though it kills me to say this) by the welfare state... which has changed from the safety net it was meant to be, and is exploited by the trash of society as a lifestyle. Fucks me right off.

    however, there is a solution (I've posted this before)....

    "Here's my solution to all the western world's problems.... it's sort of Eugenics, but it would work

    I call it the 80/20 Krypton factor life challenge, it's attempt to re-introduce natural selection and evolution into our lives, which we're sadly lacking at the minute, to the point the human race is evolving in reverse

    ... basically at 16 or so every kid has to enter the challenge, we test intelligence, physical prowess, etc etc all sort of stuff, see how useful this kid is gonna be to society basically

    the bottom 20% get culled

    amongst other things it will stop the problem of fat/stupid/ugly people breeding faster than intelligent ones, thereby reducing the overall quality of the gene pool, be an effective brake on the population growth, will make the kids stick in at skool instead of smoking reefers, plus there'll be no more charvers "

    right wing or what :eek: that's a policy Hitler would have been proud of
  7. SeniorChem Si

    SeniorChem Si Registered User

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Getting it on
    lol, snap
  8. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Wow Si - we agree on something for once :)

    Its interesting - I grew up alongside alot of people who went to the exact same school as me, access to the same education and whatnot and had exactly the same breaks and problems in life .... but the difference was that they might have came from families where it was drummed into them that the state and the government owed them a living - instead of themselves.

    Makes you wonder how much LESS of a burden these people would be (for the ones who did decide the state owed them a life) if their parents had drummed it in that if they tried hard and kept out of trouble then they could lead a deceent life and NOT have to survive on vouchers and standing in queues all day to get handouts.

    Time to get tough :)
  9. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    there should be some sort of parenting exams too.

    You should have to sit them before claiming for benefits - they should cover upbringing, discipline, care, respect, and encourage integration into society.

    If the parents pass, they get benefits (as required).

    If not, they get jack shite.

    Thats most chavs failing now because they wouldn't bother turning up.
  10. nouvelle fille

    nouvelle fille Registered User

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Tyneside Riviera
    I would go for option 2 but it's just a different -ism of eugenics, so i'll go for option 4- send them all to the moon :)
  11. M.C.E

    M.C.E 1981-2013

    Apr 16, 2002
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    Word :rofl:
  12. Guest

    :up: deffo, that would sort them out
  13. nouvelle fille

    nouvelle fille Registered User

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Tyneside Riviera

    I agree ...

    .....i guess i was in a strange situation as a kid in that my mum was all for telling me that the state owed me a living, whereas my dad believed people should work for a living .... fortunately i don't often listen to my mum !!!
  14. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Its quite wierd isnt it - One of the things i remember as a kid growing up in the whole 'Thatcher Era' is the sheer number of people around me, and families who almost seemed to look at all the things they got for free as if they were a natural part of being a part of this world and a person within great britain to it...... The government was almost looked at as some kind of invisible 'thing' that was there to complain about, but also provided everything you needed at the same time for doing NOTHING to earn it. Alot of my friends were brought up to look forward to when they were 16 and could get a free house and a giro each week - madness!

    I think alot of people dont realise that for every pound that they get handed, someone else had to do 2 pounds worth of work to generate the money and pay for the admin to hand it to them to spend.
  15. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    current state of thinking is that we have everything given, it should always be there for us, waiting for us, on a silver plater.

    i was taught to work for everything, nothing was given

    it's all about the parents
  16. nouvelle fille

    nouvelle fille Registered User

    Aug 10, 2005
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    Tyneside Riviera
    I would blame Thatcher (if i'm honest that prob is something i've picked up from my mum), but it's almost like it's a give up -er personality trait. I could see why my dad, having been made redundant thanks to privitisation cuts (and not particularily re-trainable due to his age) might have said to hell with it, it's the governments fault i'm in this mess, let them 'keep' me from now on ... but he didn't becuase i guess he was of the mindset that you should work for a living. However i imagine at that time a lot of people did just give up, and passed it onto their children to do the same .,'s a deep routed problem, and i agree something needs to be done, but i don't have any realistic solutions :(
  17. Guest

    that is wot it is down to, just thismornin an old lady got on the bus and walked past a group of lads about the same age as me were sittin down, they didnt turn a hair. i on the other hand i gave the lady a seat :D because ive always done it, since i was a little boy my dad told me to. being curtious never hurt anybody, most charvs dont know this
  18. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    Brid i think you have targetted the wrong audience here as most people who like trance can associate with the wrong-doers who you are highlighting
  19. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    trance must have really hurt u as a child... u can't leave the poor thing alone... :(
  20. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
  21. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    i was expecting more of a bite than that mate :(

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