Channel 1 Nudists Is anyone watching these nudists travelling the country? why do they have to be naked to walk around the country and fight for freedom?
i know, one looks like jesus, one looks like Pee-Wee Herman and the women looks an inbread Baby Spice
You think that's fucking weird. You should see what they've got on next week. The advert said "....the fourty four year old who hasn't started pubity..."
By the end I felt sorry for the dude, getting put back in jail for 3 months. Did you hear the Edinburgh ned shouting at them outside the court?
i watched all this in utter amazment, i know the bloke appeared to be fighting for something he believe in....but he came across as an arrogant pig, who thinks freedome is being able to wear no clothes and sleep around behind his girlfriends back...he aint very free now though is he!!!