from another board : The 800 doesn't have the advanced memory features of the 1000 - there's no waveform display, there's almost no banked cuepoints (you get 1). You have a simple clean display much like that of any other Pio CDJ. Along with the memory differences, there's a much more limited onboard memory - 1 cuepoint per CD for 500 CDs. The 1000 can store 10 cuepoints per CD (no waveform) for 1000 CDs. When you use an MMC card (16MB) you get 100 per CD for 10000 CDs, plus the waveform data is stored on the card instead of being read when the disc plays. Both decks have looping, but the 800 doesn't have the option to adjust the inpoint, only the 1000 can do that over all the Pioneer board of products. Next up - no hotcues on the 800, but a bank of "Auto Beat Loop" buttons sits in the same place. This is a really cool feature, much like the "emergency loop" on the CMX3000, you press the button and it automagically sets a 1, 2, 4 or 8 beat loop. You can jump back and forth between them as well. They're not hot-cues, but they're cool and fast. One thing I noticed about the 800 right away was the lack of a reverse toggle-switch - it's now a button. This is a slightly slower method for those guys who really love to jam on that switch, but it'll still work. On the right side of the decks, there's the Vinyl Speed Adjust. The 1000 has settings for both stop and start, whereas the 800 is a universal setting for both. Just below this we've got the pitch range. While the 1000 has a greater resolution of pitch (0.02% at the 6% range, 0.05% at the 10% range, 0.1% at the 16% and 24% ranges), the 800 offers 0.05% at 10% and the new wide range (which is 100% range, same as the CMX3000). One more note - the tempo slider is not a dipless slider - there is a notch at the 0% position.
The 1000's feel a lot better built and a lot sturdier than the 800, plus I use my memory card in my 1000 for loops and cue points all the time....personal preference Jimmy but I would 1000 if you have the cash!
Its not to buy any Simon but cheers. I needed to know for another reason, cheers lads! Brid - Very helpful!
I hope it's not for the same reason as what I think it is... Was round at a mate's house over last weekend pissing about on the CDJ-1000, and fuck me is it the most impressive cd deck I have ever got me grubby mitts on! I need to save up a wonga and I'm getting a pair for definate. Then I'm gonna work out a way to have sex with them. They're that good.
i bought an 800 in december, and everyone keeps bitching at me about how much better the 1000 is. But the truth is, I HAVE AN 800 AND THEY HAVE NOTHING, so stfu.