careers ive just had to choose my options for my final yr when i go back in september and i wasnt even interested in doing any of the modules that i could choose from starting to think that i dont even know if i want to do marketing as a career, but then its a bit late now as i will hav done it for 4 yrs. i choose it coz i liked it at a level more than my other subjects. but then if its not wot i want to do got no choice now really as not gonna go back to uni for 3 yrs to get a degree in somethin else!! is everyone who has finished education doing wot they thought they wud b doin when they left school, college or uni?? i hope i start to like it again next yr
I did an accounting and financial analysis degree which i hated, and ended up being paid far more money doing something i taught myself out of a book when i wasnt in lectures. Marketing means you can do loads of various things though - its just about getting in at the right level and with the right promotion path.
i always wanted to be in travel and started of there but got bore as you do lol but as of mondy im bak in travel so all the stuff ive done willhelp towards my final carrer goal just need to go bk to college or teach myself spaninsh and german for a better chance lol
I didn't really start enjoying my course till my final year. Didn't have a clue what I wanted to do when I finished school or when I started uni. Made the right choice though cos when i did my placement at uni I knew i'd enjoy working in the food industry and here I am. Just cos you do a certain degree doesn't mean you have to get a job doing that. Loads of opportunities. You final year always goes really quickly too Claire so don't worry
lol i cant not worry, i stress about everythin im just havin one of those ahhhhh weeks with everythin :spangled:
if its any consolation i'm nearly 26 and still don't really know what i want to do...i want to go back to college to get some qualifications but still need ot work full time....tis hard specially since i don't really know what i want to do but i also want to move to soctland with ken...
im doing exactly what i always wanted to do yeah. gets a bit boring at times...but then again, doesnt everything!!
:hug: :flowers: :hug: Better now What we like hey Just chose what u think you'll enjoy, make's it easier to do the work
29 and still unsure in what i want to do been into one thing for over 7 years now going to uni in sept to study even more advanced qual. thing is bored of it now really but gonna finish it because if i change career in the future which will happen i will always have summit to fall back on. I wanna be a plumber
lol cheers might help if i go be a manager of a pontins in wales we will proceed with lessons on saturday after wine
I have never really known what I wanted to do!!Still don't now with only 9 weeks to go, specialised in Accounting and Finance but wish I didn't, but will have a general Management degree also so can do almost anything. I really wish I hadn't even gone to Uni and did an apprenticeship or something!!! Ah well, we live and learn
I didnt have a clue wot I wanted to do when I left school, but have work experience in different fields, but have now realised last year wot I want to do, so am planning on goin back to college either this year or next
the 3rd year was the best out of the 3 at uni 'cos you get to do more of what your interested in... was hard work but a good excuse to go off the rails a bit...