can you... get compassionate leave from work if someone other than yor family has died? one of my best friends from homes mam has died who i was really close to and totally worried i may not be able to get next monday off work. anyone have any idea?
i know with my work rachel u get time off for a funeral you have to go to for a few hrs not sure if you can get it for the full day unless its a relative or something i could be wrong tho best to fone and ask tomorro if ur not working
Depends who you work for and how pally you are with the management really, but by law its usually only immediate family like Son/Daughter/Mam/Dad/Gran/Grandad.
Re: can you... you would have to read your compnay policy...... however, it might be an idea to phone in sick if you're not entitled to any
why dont u say it was ure aunty? u know friend of family aunt but work dont need 2 know that or say i got 2 go 2 a funirel and break down in tears
i cant tell lies otherwise i would! used to be such a good liar when i was younger but could never tell a lie these days esp not to work cos they're so lovely and would feel so guilty!
i know, i've managed to trackdown my headteachers number and gonna ring her when shes back off her hols 2 see if im allowed to go, it should be okay tho, i'll take a days unpaid leave if it means me going like.
Re: can you... Well firstly and without wanting to sound to harsh if you told your boss that story they would probably think you were full of shit and lying and theyd say something like I wouldnt take a day off for that .... I think your best bet is pulling a sicky ... start coughing and complaining of a sore throat and cough on friday . get yourself down to your mates and ring in sick monday then on your way back up scream as hard as you can at every charv you see youl have a sore throat the next day for work confirming your excuse and im sure you can fake the cough ..... or just tell them where to stick it and go see your mate !
my boss is lovely and will probs give me a day off for it though. anyone in my position would take a day off, i knew her mam so well and spend half my teenage life growing up round there so would just have to explain n they should be okay. god i've never had to deal with someone dying so young since i've being a grown up, i hate feeling so helpless cos theres nothing im ever gonna be able to say or do to make my friend feel any better